- Reduces mental fatigue
- Improves and maintains cognitive functions
- Difficulty understanding
- Poor school results
- Contradictory
- Moodiness
- Relieves nervousness and agitation
- Period of apathy
- Intellectual excitement
- Tics and spasms
- Aggressiveness
- Intellectual efforts or overloaded programs
Ingredients: Bufo rana 18x, Calcarea carb 18x, Coffea cruda 18x, Ignatia amara 18x,
Kalium phosphoricum 18x, Magnesia phosphorica 18x, Mercurius solubilis 18x,
Nux vomica 8x, 18x, Tarentual hispanica 18x, Tilia europaea 8x, 20 % vol Alcool, Eau USP.
Children from 4 to 12 years: 15 drops under the tongue morning and evening for 21 days, keep in mouth 1 minute.
Adults and children above 12 years: 20 drops under the tongue morning and evening
Presentation: 100 ml